Towards a Solar Hybrid Solution for Heating and Cooling

Daniel Neyer, Florian Gritzer, Alexander Thür, Stefan Luger, Jürgen Furtner, Patrick Kefer, Hilbert Focke

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contribution


Solar electrical and thermal driven systems are promising for a sustainable supply of heat and cold demand. The target of the Austrian research project SolarHybrid is the optimization of both. Thermal and electrical systems are combined in solar hybrid systems to utilize advantages of each (sub-) system. The evaluation of the steps toward the hybrid solution including system design and control strategies, are performed with detailed component models. The dynamic simulation studies are supplemented with Hardware-in-the-Loop laboratory measurements. Initial design optimization for photovoltaic and solar thermal driven system include dimensioning, control strategies and energy cascade usage. Cost savings will be achieved by common used components e.g. for the electrical and thermal driven chillers. A demonstration of such arrangements is realized with specifically designed and adapted chillers in the laboratory and investigated under dynamic tests. The controllers get further enhanced by mathematical methods and the implementation of predictive control. The so far optimized solar thermal driven systems can achieve up to 60% non-renewable primary energy savings with a cost ratio of 1.1 compared to a simple reference system with natural gas boiler and vapor compression chiller. If an electrical driven system with a reversible heat pump is applied as benchmark, savings remain at 50%, but the cost ratio drops to 0.9. Further improvements and comparisons of the photovoltaic and solar thermal driven systems as well as the hybrid solutions will be performed in detail within the course of the project.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEuroSun 2016 Conference Proceedings
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventEuroSun 2016 - Palme de Mallorca, Spain
Duration: 11 Oct 201614 Oct 2016


ConferenceEuroSun 2016
CityPalme de Mallorca


  • solar hybrid
  • solar heating and cooling
  • simulations
  • DHW preheating
  • Hardware-in-the-Loop


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