Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of Chemical Companies in Austria from the logistics point of view: Project ChemLog - Chemical Logistic Cooperations in Central and Eastern Europe

Hannelore Hofmann-Prokopczyk, Friedrich Starkl

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


The Logistikum is partner in the EU Project ChemLog - Chemical Logistic Cooperation in Central and Eastern. The chemical industry is one of the most important industrial sectors in Europe. The European Union has discussed strategies to ensure competitiveness of the European Chemical industry in the High Level Group on the Competitiveness of the chemical Industry in Europe (HLG) under leadership of the Commissions Vice-President Günter Verheugen. As President of the European Chemical Regions Network (ECRN) I have participated in the work of the HLG in order to represent the regional interest. In this context the idea for a stronger cooperation in the area of chemical logistics in Central and Eastern Europe has been born and received strong support from the European Commission. On this basis the ChemLog project has been developed and could successfully start its activities in November 2008. ChemLog is a European cooperation project between regional authorities, chemical industry associationsand scientific institutions from Germany,Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary,Austria and Italy with the objective to strengthen competitiveness of the chemical industry by improving framework conditions for supply chain management in Central and Eastern Europe. The project receives financial support from the Central Europe Programme (Interreg IVB). The project wants to overcome barriers for transnational transport in the West-East and East- West dimension by initiating a broad process of exchange of experience and facilitating the development of transnational infrastructure projects with high relevance for the chemical industry. Furthermore the project aims to establish fruitful cooperation with relevant administrative entities from regional, national and european level, chambers, associations, enterprises and logistic providers to identify priorities and find common solutions for the improvement of logistic infrastructurein Central and Eastern Europe. Within this project the Logistikum is responsible for the realization of a SWOT Analysis to identify and analyse strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of chemical companies from the logistic point of view.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages48
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Chemical Industry
  • Chemical Logistics
  • Infrastructure
  • Austria

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