State-of-the-Art of Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal Technology

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Concentrating photovoltaic thermal (CPVT) technology has the potential to support the industrial sector with renewable electricity and heat simultaneously. The implementation of spectral splitting emerges as a possible approach to significantly increase the conversion efficiency, and furthermore, to hurdle the fundamental discrepancy of CPVT systems, that the electrical and the thermal receiver part have opposing temperature requirements. This paper provides an introductive description of beam splitting methodology and presents an updated review of the latest developments in the specific sector of spectral splitting by selective absorption. Furthermore, a novel CPVT receiver design utilizing bendable PV cells and an innovative heat transfer fluid are explained in detail. Simulation results illustrate the possibilities of spectral splitting to raise the electrical conversion efficiency in CPVT receivers by up to 42.9%. Potential improvements in receiver designs are discussed for further enhancement of the technical capabilities and possible cost reduction of the implemented material.

Translated title of the contributionState-of-the-Art konzentrierender photovoltaisch thermischer Technologie
Original languageEnglish
Article number3821
Number of pages13
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • beam splitting
  • hybrid solar collector
  • industrial heat
  • renewable heat and power


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