Software Tools for Service Designers: How Software Tools can Support the Service Design Process

Christiane Rau, Anna Zbiek

Research output: Contribution to magazineArticle


Every experienced service designer knows the value of working together on teams, being in one room, bringing together results of customer interviews, building prototypes and getting the creative juices flowing. While working as a team in real-world settings is crucial in the design process, and certainly should not be replaced entirely, the deliberate usage of software tools can enhance the productivity of service design teams throughout all stages of the service design process. In this article, we show which software tools are currently available on the market. In sum, we identified 21 software tools. To assist service designers in the selection of suitable tools, we provide an easy-to-grasp overview of critical information such as the area of application (exploration, creation, reflection, and implementation), software descrip-tion, application area and price.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationTouchpoint
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • service design
  • software tools
  • prototyping
  • design thinking


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