Schöne neue Drogenwelt? Crystal Meth und NPS zwischen Möglichkeit und Realität in Sozialarbeit, Medizin und Therapie

Translated title of the contribution: Beautiful new drug world?

Research output: Book/ReportBook


The volume 37 of the writings on social work summarizes speeches from a discourse, such as social work, medicine, jurisprudence and the executive branch, as well as other contributions to the subject of "Crystal Meth". Dealing with these substances, experiences of the different professions are presented from the theory-based as well as the practical perspective. The situation in border regions in the German-speaking area, which also includes Upper Austria, is given special Focus.
Translated title of the contributionBeautiful new drug world?
Original languageGerman
Publisheredition pro mente
ISBN (Print)978-3-902724-54-0
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Crystal Meth
  • Sozialarbeit
  • Recht
  • Medizin


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