SATLOC - GNSS gestützte Zugsicherung für Strecken mit niedriger Verkehrsdichte

Gerhard Hanis, Burkhard Stadlmann, George Barbu, Franz Kaiser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The EU EFP7 funded research project SATLOC which is supported by the GSA (European GNSS Agency), aims to meet the rising demand for a cost-efficient train control system for low traffic density lines. The system utilises GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) based train localization, cab-signalling, as well as data radio communication inspired by ETCS level 3. The long-term goal of SATLOC is to promote the usage of GNSS as safe method for train navigation in the railway domain with a focus on low traffic lines. Due to the characteristics of those lines the project facilitates the use of commercial mobile carriers and packet-oriented communication instead of GSM-R. However in order to keep the system architecture open and flexible, the necessary ETCS-modes and Euroradio telegrams remain predominantly untouched. This paper presents the preliminary results of test-drives on the Romanian line between Braşov and Zărneşti.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-53
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2014


  • Train control system
  • GPS
  • GNSS
  • Train track communication


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