RoboCup Rescue 2009 - Robot League Team: RoboRescue Team FH Wels - Team Description Paper

Raimund Edlinger, Andreas Poelzleithner, Walter Rokitansky, Michael Zauner, Bernhard Fahringer, Johannes Hieslmair, Thomas Fink, Thomas Hatheier, Harald Kneidinger

Research output: Working paperWorking paper/discussion paper


This paper describes the work of the RoboRescueTeam FH-Wels developing and building an autonomous rescue robot. The team consists of research associates and students at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria. This paper includes the preliminary results which are achieved so far about map building, localization and autonomous victim identification. Furthermore the implementation of 2D Laser Range Finder (LRF) and a novel mechanism with a dynamic drive system for locomotion is described. Additionally the construction of a modular robotic arm is introduced. A thermo camera and several other sensors are attached at the very end of this robotic arm which are used for victim detection.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • RoboCup Rescue League
  • Rescue Robot


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