Recycling of blast furnace dust in the iron ore sintering process: Investigation of coke breeze substitution and the influence on offgas emissions

Christof Lanzerstorfer, Birgit Bamberger-Straßmayr, Klaus Pilz

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69 Citations (Scopus)


In iron ore sinter plants blast furnace dust and other fine-grained residues which are rich in iron or carbon content are recycled. The carbon contained in the blast furnace dust can be used to replace coke breeze which is added to the charge as fuel for the sintering process. However, there is no information in the literature on the carbon replacement factor of fine-grained blast furnace dust. Nor is detailed information on the effect of blast furnace dust recycling on sinter plant off-gas emissions available. Recycling of blast furnace dust increases the zinc content of the sinter feed mixture. The degree of volatilisation of zinc in the sintering process and its discharge with the off-gas is of interest because zinc has to be limited in the burden of the blast furnace. The sinter pot tests performed in this study revealed that the carbon replacement factor of the carbon content in fine-grained blast furnace dust is very close to 1.0. The removal of sulphur contained in the sinter charge depends on the basicity of the sinter and on the total sulphur input. About 25% of the zinc contained in the blast furnace dust was volatilised in the sintering process and emitted with the off-gas.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)758-764
Number of pages7
JournalISIJ International
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2015


  • Blast furnace dust
  • Carbon replacement factor
  • Sintering
  • Sulphur
  • Zinc


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