Recent Research Results: Online traffic simulation software for heterogeneous road networks

Andreas Pell, Andreas Meingast, Oliver Schauer

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


This article presents the results of an evaluation process of traffic simulation systems, which were presented at this year’s European Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems in Dublin. The evaluation was part of the on-going project “Intelligent Transport Systems Austria West” commissioned by the Office of the Provincial Government of Upper Austria and sponsored by the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund, which aims to implement and introduce a simulation software tool for providing realtime traffic estimation and short-term traffic predictions for the roads of Upper Austria. This road network includes urban streets in cities and towns as well as rural roads. In addition heterogeneous traffic has to be taken into account.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherTransportation Research Board (TRB) Joint Simulation Subcommittee AHB45(1)
Number of pages18
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Online traffic simulation software
  • expert interviews


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