Psychosoziale Beratung bei Familienkrisen: Eine Zusammenschau russischer und österreichischer Vorgehensweisen

Translated title of the contribution: Psychosocial Counseling during Family Crises

Olga Filatova, Charlotte Sweet, Helen Vinarchik, Franz Schiermayr

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


The present article offers a comparison of approaches of Russian and Austrian psy-chosocial counsellors regarding transitional crises in families. On the one hand it de-scribes the counselling structures present in the two respective countries, on the other hand it analyzes the ideological and interpretational differences which are no-ticeable underneath a very similar surface. On the basis of a long-term exchange project between the Department of Social Work of the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria and the Department of Personality Psychology and Special Pedagog-ics at Vladimir State University, this article describes how scientific and structural similarities as well as cultural and ideological differences become apparent in specific settings. In addition, both cultures are placed within the context of a global zeitgeist.
Translated title of the contributionPsychosocial Counseling during Family Crises
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)241-255
JournalSoziales Kapital
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


  • Beratung
  • Psychologie
  • Familie
  • Krise
  • Russland
  • Post-Postmoderne


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