Photophysiological investigations of the temperature stress responses of Zygnema spp (Zygnematophyceae) from subpolar and polar habitats (Iceland, Svalbard)

Charlotte Permann, Mattia Pierangelini, Daniel Remias, Louise A. Lewis, Andreas Holzinger

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8 Citations (Scopus)


Zygnematophyceae are main primary producers in polar hydro-terrestrial habitats, characterized by extreme abiotic conditions. They are expected to be strongly impacted by climate change, leading to threats to subpolar and polar ecosystems. Two isolates of Zygnema from a subpolar (Iceland, Zygnema sp. I) and a polar Island (Svalbard, Zygnema sp. B) were compared by their photophysiological performance and phenolic content. A phylogenetic analysis was performed in a newly isolated Zygnema I where also morphology and ultrastructure were characterized. The rbcL sequence of the Icelandic Zygnema I was identical to that of Zygnema V, previously isolated from Svalbard, and phylogenetic analysis placed this strain into Zygnema clade 2. Average width of vegetative filaments (28 ± 0.7 µm) and ultrastructure was similar to closely related Zygnema strains. Zygnema I and Zygnema B were exposed to three different treatment temperatures (15, 20 and 25°C) for two weeks, then photophysiological parameters and cellular phenol contents were acquired. The maximum electron transport rate increased significantly with elevated temperatures, but non-photochemical quenching did not change. Net photosynthetic oxygen production was higher in Zygnema B, but decreased in both strains from 10 to 15°C measuring temperature. Zygnema I showed a significant decrease between 15/25°C-treated cultures above 20°C measuring temperature. The phenolic content did not change significantly with experimental treatments, the spectral absorption at 350 nm was significantly lower in Zygnema B when compared with Zygnema I. Taken together our results indicate that Zygnema B and Zygnema I cannot adapt to elevated temperatures.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)299-311
Number of pages13
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Climate change
  • Green algae
  • Photosynthesis
  • rbcL phylogeny
  • Streptophyta
  • Transmission electron microscopy


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