Perception and Management of Work Interruptions: A Qualitative Study

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


The adoption and use of digital technologies in today's organizations, management, and business enables many benefits, including extensive information access, quick communication, and greater productivity. However, the proliferation of digital technologies also poses challenges for the digital business era. One major dark side of digital technology use are IT-mediated interruptions, which are nowadays ubiquitous in an organizational context due to digital collaboration tools such as Microsoft Teams or Slack and also due to inadequate user behavior such as permanent checking of emails. Based on the insights of a former exploratory study on work interruptions (Stangl & Riedl, 2023b), we plan to conduct a qualitative study based on which digital business professionals describe their general perception and management of interruptions.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 Mar 2023
Event6th International Digital Business Research Day 2023 - University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Steyr, Austria
Duration: 10 May 202310 May 2023


Conference6th International Digital Business Research Day 2023
Abbreviated titleDBRD


  • Interruptions
  • Work Interruptions
  • Interruption Perception
  • Interruption Management
  • Interruption Types
  • Interruption Consequences


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