New Animation Art: The History and Evolution of Computer Animation at Prix Ars Electronica

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The media art festival Ars Electronica has been discussing animation in the context of media art for over 40 years. In 1987, the festival established the international competition Prix Ars Electronica. Since then, the festival has honored excellent works in the field of media arts. The competition started with three categories: Computer Music, Computer Graphics, and Computer Animation. Today, there are fifteen categories, including various new ones like Interactive Art or Artificial Intelligence and Live Art. As the evolution of Prix Ars Electronica illustrates, various new categories evolved while others stopped or changed their names. The category Computer Animation is one of the oldest ones. It offers a comprehensive archive of animation art, illustrating the transformation of the art form from an emerging field of artistic experimentation in the 1980s to its now broad establishment. A paradigm shift towards a more artistic and expanded examination has occurred in the last decade. This article illustrates the evolution of the Prix Ars Electronica category Computer Animation and discusses the new profile.
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2024
Event 29th International Symposium on Electronic Art - Brisbane, Australia
Duration: 21 Jun 202429 Jun 2024


Conference 29th International Symposium on Electronic Art
Abbreviated titleISEA 2024
Internet address

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