Methodology for automated testing of transmission line fault locator algorithms

M. N. Ibrahim, N. Rohadi, R. Zivanovic

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contributionpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This paper presents a novel methodology for automated testing of fault locator algorithms and testing their output sensitivity. The proposed methodology is based on Quasi Monte Carlo technique implemented in SIMLAB. The proposed methodology interfaces among SIMLAB, MATLAB and EMTP/ATP programs. A case study with a number of simulated fault locations along a transmission line is presented in the paper. For each fault location we were varying parameters of fault resistance and pre-fault power flow on the line. In order to measure sensitivity of fault locator output to fault resistance and power flow, a large number of cases with varying fault resistance and power flow were generated using Sobol sampling technique. Two types of fault locator algorithms, Reactance algorithm and Takagi algorithm, are tested. Results obtained and presented in this paper indicate performance of each algorithm.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAUPEC'09 - 19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference
Subtitle of host publicationSustainable Energy Technologies and Systems
Publication statusPublished - 2009
Externally publishedYes
Event19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems, AUPEC'09 - Adelaide, Australia
Duration: 27 Sept 200930 Sept 2009

Publication series

NameAUPEC'09 - 19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems


Conference19th Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference: Sustainable Energy Technologies and Systems, AUPEC'09


  • Alternative transient program (ATP)
  • Distance relays
  • Fault locator
  • Global sensitivity analysis


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