Method to test a dynamic torque-generating device and a device to determine the dynamic behavior of a driving shaft

Peter Langthaler (Inventor), Engelbert Grunbacher (Inventor), Gerald Steinmaurer (Inventor), Luigi D Re (Inventor), Helmut Kokal (Inventor), Michael Paulweber (Inventor), Engelbert Gruenbacher (Inventor), Re Luigi Del (Inventor)

Research output: Patent / Technischer StandardPatent


The course of torque transmitted though the driving shaft ( 3 ) between the torque generating device ( 1 ) to be tested and the driving or loading mechanism ( 2 ) is determined during an identification phase in the completely constructed test bench with the use of a rotating driving or loading mechanism ( 2 ) at pseudo-stochastic rotational speeds. Determined are thereby the parameters describing in a real and current manner the dynamic behavior of the driving shaft ( 3 ) whereby said parameters are used as an influence in further testing.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2006288764
IPCG01M 13/ 02 A I
Priority date15.06.2005
Publication statusPublished - 28 Dec 2006


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