Mehrwert Kunst? Künstlerisch kreatives Gestalten (...I als anthropogens Ausdrucksmittel. Markierungen für Pädagogik und Therapie

Translated title of the contribution: Added Value Arts?

Research output: Types of ThesesDoctoral Thesis


The content of this paper is the verification of the hypothesis whether artistic creative design in the area of fine arts holds any so called additional value. The starting point of the thought process highlights the phenomenon of artistic creative behavior of human beings since their earliest history as Homo sapiens sapiens in prehistoric times and that their arts pursued a function beyond the aesthetic decorative value. At the same time, this paper argues in the sense of an Extended artistic concept, whereby it is assumed that every person is at least a potential artist, and that this artistic and creative potential can be used educationally and therapeutically. The hypothesis implies that artistic creative design has a mental hygienic, cathartic and self-therapeutic, hedonistic, identity creating, educational and intellectually creative function and can offer possibilities to experience and broaden creative power and creativity. Furthermore it is claimed that art and artistic creative design(in the sense of Beuys description of arts) can be a medium for critical positioning and democratic co-determination. This paper aims to clearly present the here referred to additional value of fine arts and respectively artistic creative design, and to demonstrate the markers for educational theory and therapy which can be concluded from this. In addition chosen examples of artistic and creative design of mankind over the millennia will be cited, beginning with the presentation and interpretation of prehistoric artistic and creative works, and examined for their additional value. Subsequently the artistic work of six showcase artists (Frida Kahlo, Niki de Saint Phalle, Pablo Picasso, Fritz Fröhlich, Joseph Beuys, Jean-Michel Basquiat) will be discussed and assigned possible functional links. These functional links, labeled “Art and coping with pain”, “Art and self-therapy”, “Art and political statement”, “Art and rehabilitation”, “Art and education” and “Art and protest”, will be critically discussed in an empirical chapter. For this purpose a group of 153 artists and hobby-artists have been interviewed online regarding the motivations and functions of their artistic work. In addition interviews were held with five experts in the areas of arts, educational theory and therapy regarding the Dissertation question. The findings of the hermeneutical interpretation of artistic creative production over the millennia, the showcased artists and the empirical chapter of this Dissertation are consolidated, whereby six markers for educational theory and therapy are subsequently described. These illustrate convincingly why artistic and creative design can be used educationally and therapeutically as an anthropogenic mean of Expression.
Translated title of the contributionAdded Value Arts?
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • Pädagogik
  • bildende Kunst
  • kreativer Ausdruck
  • Erziehung
  • Therapie


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