Mechanical properties of low alloy intercritically annealed cold rolled trip sheet steel containing retained austenite

B. C. De Cooman, L. Barbé, J. Mahieu, D. Krizan, L. Samek, M. De Meyer

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Key factors influencing the mechanical properties of low alloy intercritically annealed sheet steel containing high C retained austenite are discussed. Ferrous microstructures containing retained austenite are fundamentally different from most current automotive sheet steel products both in terms of their as-produced properties and application related performance (formability, bake hardening and high strain rate deformation). The properties are mainly determined by the C distribution and the latter is influenced by the composition, in particular the Si, Al and P contents, the main processing parameters (the intercritical and isothermal bainitic transformation temperatures and times) and the type of deformation. The properties of the retained austenite islands control the static strain hardening, the bake hardening and the high strain rate dependence of the transformation induced plasticity (TRIP) effect. The short term technical solution of fundamental questions related to low alloy intercritically annealed sheet steel containing high C retained austenite which are the influence of the distribution of substitutional solutes, the C distribution and the strain induced transformation of these steels are reviewed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-24
Number of pages12
JournalCanadian Metallurgical Quarterly
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2004
Externally publishedYes


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