Mathematical modelling of an Innovative Ice Storage System

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Ice storage systems are important applications for heating and cooling due to its ability to efficiently store thermal energy for later use, reducing reliance on conventional energy sources during peak demand periods. In combination with heat pumps and solar collectors, ice storages present a large advantage in comparison with other conventional heating and cooling systems. In this work, the mathematical modelling of an innovative ice storage system will be presented. The energy storage in this system, happens in innovative spiral flat registers created by the company ECOTHERM, where internal and external melting can be used as required. The mathematical model will then be further integrated in an overall system and a yearly simulation of its performance will be carried out. In the scope of this study, just the heating performance of the ice storage system were analyzed, while the combined use of the ice storage for heating and cooling will be carried out in the subsequent phases of the project. The results focus on the State of Charge (SOC) and the temperature of the ice storage during the simulated year as well as the energy accumulated in the same period. Moreover, the seasonal performance factor (SPF) of the whole system is also presented. The results obtained with the simulations, were later compared to literature data and present a fair equivalence
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2024
EventEuroSun2024: ISES and IEA SHC International Conference on Sustainable and Solar Energy for Buildings and Industry - Cyprus University of Technology, Limassol, Cyprus
Duration: 26 Aug 202430 Aug 2024


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  • ice storage
  • state of charge
  • mathematical modelling
  • heat storage


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