Investigation of new volumetric non-destructive techniques to characterise additive manufacturing parts

Anne-Françoise Obaton, M-Q. Lê, V. Prezza, D. Marlot, P. Delvart, Aziz Huskic, Sascha Senck, E. Mahé, Charles Cayron

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle

28 Citations (Scopus)


The assessment of the potential of various non-destructive methods to characterise additive manufactured dense and lattice parts was investigated. The Archimedes’ and gas pycnometric methods for density measurements of both types of structures are presented as well as the percentage of cells in lattice structures. A multi-frequency eddy current method for electrical conductivity measurements of lattice structures is also presented. Finally, C-scan ultrasound method for the characterisation of dense parts was investigated. The advantages and limitations of each method are underlined.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1049-1057
Number of pages9
JournalWelding in the World
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2018


  • Additive manufacturing
  • Archimedes method
  • Multi-frequency eddy current method
  • Gas pycnometric method
  • C-scan ultrasound method
  • Archimedes’ method
  • Volumetric non-destructive techniques (NDTs)


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