Integrating operator’s cognitive profile for dynamic and human-centric adaptation of industrial processes

Eric Armengaud, Yayoi Sakaki, Rosen Dimov, Thomas Novak, Aldo Sorniotti, Yasumi Ito

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


After several decades of automation (robotics, machine learning, AI) targeting to remove the “weaknesses” of the human, the re-integration of the human at the core of the creation process is seen as a key aspect to combine ingenuity and experience from the human together with the accuracy, speed and capability to manage large complex set of data from the robot / from the software. While solutions for human-machine interaction and for operator monitoring do exist, to the best of the author’s knowledge none of the solution is able to create a cognitive profile of the operator (capability of the operator to assess a complex situation and correctly react in a timely manner) and adapt its behavior accordingly. In this paper, we introduce the Ipsilon Cognitive Personality, enabling the computation of a cognitive profile of the operator assessing possible declining sensory perceptions, processing capabilities, cognitive dysfunctions associated with dementia-causing comorbidities. Further, we combine this approach with state-of-the-art operator monitoring systems to shift from attention monitoring toward prediction of risky operation. Finally, we discuss how this combined approach can be used in automotive domain to improve cooperative, connected and automated mobility.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024
EventEuropean Congress Embedded Real Time Systems - DIAGORA CONGRESS CENTER, Toulouse, France
Duration: 11 Jun 202412 Jun 2024
Conference number: 12


ConferenceEuropean Congress Embedded Real Time Systems
Abbreviated titleERTS
Internet address


  • human system interactions
  • autonomous driving
  • human monitoring and error evaluation,


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