In-situ damage investigation of adhesively bonded composite repairs

Christian Hannesschläger, Florian Röper, Markus Wolfahrt, G Kucher, Bernhard Plank, Johann Kastner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contributionpeer-review


In aeronautic industries adhesive bonding is a common technique to repair composites. In this study interrupted in-situ observations by X-ray computed tomography (XCT) were used to investigate the crack initiation and propagation in scarf repaired CFRP-laminates. Specimens were tested in two conditions: i) as-received ii) after conditioning under hot/wet conditions to determine the moisture influence on the damage behaviour. The specimens were tested in-situ in a high resolution XCT device with a voxel size of (8 μm)3 at different load levels. The defects of each load step were segmented and compared to each other. An influence of the absorbed moisture neither on the damage propagation behaviour nor on the tensile strength could be observed. In particular, a concentration of cracks in the area of repair-ply terminations of the scarf joint could be determined.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
PublisherApplied Mechanics Laboratory
ISBN (Electronic)9781510896932
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Event18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2018 - Athens, Greece
Duration: 24 Jun 201828 Jun 2018

Publication series

NameECCM 2018 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials


Conference18th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM 2018


  • Adhesive bonding
  • CFRP
  • In-situ
  • Scarf repair
  • X-ray tomography


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