In der Führung liegt das größte Produktivitätspotenzial: Der sträflich unterschätzte Stellenwert gekonnter Führung

Translated title of the contribution: Leadership As the Primary Enabler of Productivity

Joachim Althaler, Roland Schmidt, Alexander Kügele

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Companies are established, grow and prosper and also go bankrupt during the course of a lifetime. However, how can it be possible that a company selling the same products in the same market manufactured by the same employees shortly after coming very close to bankruptcy subsequently turns into a flagship company? Is it possibly that only very subtle differences combined with the attitude of those involved are the factors which make a difference? Firm goals and brilliant leadership are the keys to successful business reengineering. Leadership is much more than mere management. An example taken from the machine-building industry emphasizes the significance of leadership for success.
Translated title of the contributionLeadership As the Primary Enabler of Productivity
Original languageGerman
Pages (from-to)21-24
JournalIndustrie Management
Issue number2010
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2010


  • Führung
  • Führungsverfahren
  • Produktivitätssteigerung


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