Human-Centered Assembly Process Validation in Virtual Reality using Tool-, Part- and Auxiliary Geometry Tracking

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Virtual reality has become a common tool in vehicle development for both product and process development. For product improvement, design reviews are carried out in VR, for process improvement, assembly feasibility analyses. The involvement of developers, factory and production planners, as well as those who will be directly affected in the future, such as customers, assembly workers or maintenance staff, allows good products and mature processes to be designed at an early stage of development. In this article, human-centered improvement of product assembly and maintainability is considered in VR. In order to represent assembly conditions in VR as close to reality as possible, the use of tracked real tools, parts and auxiliary geometries is tested in addition to virtual representations. More realistic assemblability analyses could be achieved with the use of these tracked real tools, parts and auxiliary geometries, which provide passive haptic feedback. In the daily VR application for design reviews and assemblability analyses, the use of purely virtual parts and tools has proven itself for reasons of simplicity, for assembly training this passive haptic feedback has potential.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jan 2023
EventInternational Conference on Industrial Applications Europe 2023 Rome - Rom, Rom, Italy
Duration: 9 Jan 202311 Jan 2023


ConferenceInternational Conference on Industrial Applications Europe 2023 Rome
Abbreviated titleICIEA EU 2023 Rome
Internet address


  • Assemblability
  • Assembly
  • Auxiliary Teometry
  • Passive Haptic Feedback
  • Tool Tracking

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