Graphbasierte Transformationen für modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung

Translated title of the contribution: Graph-based transformations for model-driven software development

Research output: Types of ThesesMaster's Thesis / Diploma Thesis


Model transformation is a relevant part in modern software development. There are a few new interesting topics rising, especially in the area of Model-Driven Development (MDD). This thesis focuses on the development of a graph transformation framework. Part of the thesis is a theoretical analysis of the basics of model transformation. That does not only contain different types of model transformation, but also the definition of models and meta models. Moreover, theoretical concepts such as Triple Graph Grammar (TGG) will be analysed. Furthermore, big frameworks like Atlas Transformation Language (ATL) and Epsilon Transformation Language (ETL) are going to be explained. Apart from the already known concepts, a new concept will be introduced, about how a graph database like Neo4j can be combined with model transformation or with a model transformation framework. The core of the thesis is the design and implementation of the graph transformation framework. The different concepts, used design patterns as well as the analogies to the previously analysed frameworks are going to be discussed. The framework is going to be analysed by two different scenarios. The first one is the transformation of a graph into an XML representation. The second one is part of a research project, where a transformation between a 2D representation and a 3D representation of a building plan was created. Finally, the advantages as well as disadvantages of the frameworks are mentioned and an outlook to further work is given. This is going to show that especially the independence of other frameworks as well as the loose coupling to other frameworks is one of the major advantages of the framework. Nevertheless, it will also show, that a lot of functionality that is provided by other frameworks is missing. Even though some functionality of other frameworks is associated with a big overhead.
Translated title of the contributionGraph-based transformations for model-driven software development
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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