Further Relevant Meteorological Parameters

Stefan Wilbert, Thomas Stoffel, Daryl Myers, Stephen Wilcox, Aron Habte, Frank Vignola, Anton Driesse, Vicente Lara-Fanego, Nicholas Riedel-Lyngskær, Josh Peterson, Robert Höller, Birk Kraas, Anne Forstinger, Natalie Hanrieder, Manajit Sengupta, Yu Xie, Thomas Landelius, Jesús Polo, Christian Gueymard

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsChapterpeer-review


Solar irradiance is the most important meteorological input parameter for solar energy, but additional meteorological quantities are required for accurate yield predictions, performance analysis, and optimal plant and grid operation and design. Different individual parameters will be needed for different technologies.
•Wind speed, wind direction, and gust
•Ambient air temperature
•Relative humidity
•Atmospheric pressure
•Precipitation type and amount (rain, snow, hail)
•Aerosols and water vapor
•Spectral irradiance
•Ultraviolet (UV) irradiance
•Circumsolar irradiance
•Attenuation between the heliostat and the receiver of solar tower plants
•Soiling of solar collectors
•Surface albedo.
These quantities might affect the design of the solar installation (e.g., wind loads) and its efficiency (e.g., temperature, soiling) or can help improve the solar radiation datasets (e.g., aerosols and water vapor).
Further parameters related to agricultural crops, such as the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), are required for agrivoltaic projects, and the importance of some of the above variables is different for agrivoltaics because of their effects on the photovoltaic (PV) system and plant growth.
For each of these quantities, measurement methods exist, and the appropriate instruments can be added to a radiometric station. Numerical weather prediction (NWP) models provide wind, temperature, humidity, pressure, precipitation, surface albedo, and water vapor data. Satellite data can be used to determine or model surface albedo, precipitation, aerosols, water vapor, spectral irradiance, circumsolar irradiance, and atmospheric extinction between the heliostat and the receiver on a concentrating solar thermal (CST) tower. Finally, soiling losses can be approximated based on meteorological data such as precipitation or particulate matter.
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Title of host publicationBest Practices Handbook for the Collection and Use of Solar Resource Data for Solar Energy Applications
Number of pages45
Publication statusPublished - 2024

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