FCTP-WSRC: Protein–Protein Interactions Prediction via Weighted Sparse Representation Based Classification

Meng Kong, Yusen Zhang, Da Xu, Wei Chen, Matthias Dehmer

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19 Citations (Scopus)


The task of predicting protein–protein interactions (PPIs) has been essential in the context of understanding biological processes. This paper proposes a novel computational model namely FCTP-WSRC to predict PPIs effectively. Initially, combinations of the F-vector, composition (C) and transition (T) are used to map each protein sequence onto numeric feature vectors. Afterwards, an effective feature extraction method PCA (principal component analysis) is employed to reconstruct the most discriminative feature subspaces, which is subsequently used as input in weighted sparse representation based classification (WSRC) for prediction. The FCTP-WSRC model achieves accuracies of 96.67%, 99.82%, and 98.09% for H. pylori, Human and Yeast datasets respectively. Furthermore, the FCTP-WSRC model performs well when predicting three significant PPIs networks: the single-core network (CD9), the multiple-core network (Ras-Raf-Mek-Erk-Elk-Srf pathway), and the cross-connection network (Wnt-related Network). Consequently, the promising results show that the proposed method can be a powerful tool for PPIs prediction with excellent performance and less time.

Original languageEnglish
Article number18
Pages (from-to)18
JournalFrontiers in Genetics
Publication statusPublished - 4 Feb 2020


  • crossover network
  • prediction
  • principal component analysis
  • protein–protein interactions
  • sparse representation


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