Exploring Sketch-based Sound Associations for Sonification

Lars Engeln, Mandy Keck

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The interpretation of sounds can lead to different associations and mental models based on the person's prior knowledge and experiences. Thus, cross-modal mappings such as verbalization or visualization of sounds can vary from person to person. The sonification provides complements to visualization techniques or possible alternatives to more effectively support the interpretation of abstract data. Since sonifications usually map data attributes directly to auditory parameters, this may conflict with users' mental models.

In this paper, we analyze various sketch-based associations of sounds to better understand users' mental models in order to derive understandable cross-modal correlations for sonification. Based on the analysis of different sketches from a previously conducted user study, we propose three semantic-auditory channels that can be used to encode abstract data.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022
EventAVI 2022 Workshop on Audio-Visual Analytics: Workshop on the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interface 2022 - Frascati, Rome, Italy, Frascati, Rome, Italy
Duration: 7 Jun 20227 Jun 2022


WorkshopAVI 2022 Workshop on Audio-Visual Analytics
CityFrascati, Rome
Internet address

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