Executing Arbitrary Code in the Context of the Smartcard System Service

Michael Roland

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


This report summarizes our findings regarding a severe weakness in implementations of the Open Mobile API deployed on several Android devices. The vulnerability allows arbitrary code coming from a specially crafted Android application package (APK) to be injected into and executed by the smartcard system service component (the middleware component of the Open Mobile API implementation). This can be exploited to gain elevated capabilities, such as privileges protected by signature- and system-level permissions assigned to this service. The affected source code seems to originate from the SEEK-for-Android open-source project and was adopted by various vendor-specific implementations of the Open Mobile API, including the one that is used on the Nexus 6 (as of Android version 5.1).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages28
JournalComputing Research Repository (CoRR)
Issue number5833
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2016


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