Evaluation of a Mobile Multimodal Application Design--Major Usability Criteria and Usability Test Results

Werner Kurschl, Wolfgang Gottesheim, Stefan Mitsch, Rene Prokop, Johannes Schönböck

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstract


Mobile broadband internet access and powerful mobile devices make interesting and novel communication applications possible (e.g., recently emerging VoIP applications). Additionally, speech recognition has matured to the point that companies can seriously consider its use. We developed a distributed framework that enables multimodal user interfaces with speech recognition (dictation and command/control) on any type of mobile device. But do users already accept speech as additional input modality, and if so, which usability challenges arise when developing multimodal applications? This paper presents the results from usability tests that we conducted with a mobile multimodal e-mail and contact application. Based on the results we point out major usability criteria that need to be met in developing mobile multimodal applications.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2007
Event6th International Conference on the Management of Mobile Business, 2007. ICMB 2007. - Toronto, Canada
Duration: 9 Jul 200711 Jul 2007


Conference6th International Conference on the Management of Mobile Business, 2007. ICMB 2007.
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