Erhebung von Entwicklungsstufen wissensbasierter Organisationsentwicklung in Fachhochschul-Organisationen: Ein Ansatz zur methodischen Unterstützung fachhochschulischer Selbstevaluierung in Österreich

Translated title of the contribution: Erhebung von Entwicklungsstufen wissensbasierter Organisationsentwicklung in Fachhochschul-Organisationen

Research output: Types of ThesesMaster's Thesis / Diploma Thesis


The evaluation system in the Austrian FH sector is a systematic quality assurance approach, which is based on both internal evaluation by the institution to be evaluated (selfevaluation) and external evaluation by review teams. It is supposed to address requirements in terms of accountability as well as aspects of systematic organisational learning. However, the reviewed organisations argue, that the evaluation approach has developed to a kind of qualitative information production in the last ten years – at last the evaluation reports are exclusively narrative and therefore cause various forms of interpretation. In order to obtain more distinctiveness in consideration of the individual organisational development processes, this thesis discusses the specifics of higher education expert organisations on the basis of the Austrian FH sector. Furthermore it analyzes the objects of organisational learning, the quality assurance and performance measurement in higher education organisations. The research study combines identified strenghs and advantages of these domains mentioned and provides a suggestion for a self-assessment instrument, which enables FH organisations to analyse their knowledge oriented organisational development within a structured gradual framework. Additionally, it includes a special set of indicators, developed out of the Austrian university intellectual capital report, so that FH organisations will be able to plan and implement target-orientend interventions and measures for their individual learning environments.
Translated title of the contributionErhebung von Entwicklungsstufen wissensbasierter Organisationsentwicklung in Fachhochschul-Organisationen
Original languageGerman
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • Self-Assessment
  • Expertenorganisation
  • Wissensmanagement
  • strategisches Management
  • Evaluierung
  • Wissensbilanz


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