Erfahrungen aus Dänemark mit der Digitalisierung als Effizienztreiber: Effizienz in der Verwaltung

Translated title of the contribution: Danish experiences concerning digitisation as a means for efficiency

Research output: Contribution to magazineArticle


Efficiency is a main goal of any public Administration reforms. There are a lot of different means to improve the relation between ressources used and output of public goods and Services. Danmark focuses on digitisation when it comes to matters of efficency. Everybody receives an electronic ID by the age of 15 and is obliged to use e-government services. Though, Danmark focuses also on customer orientation at the same time. How these two come together and can be combined is impressivly shown by the Copenhagen Customer Service: They analysed different communication means, its cost and quantity. And fully integrated digital processes scored best.
Translated title of the contributionDanish experiences concerning digitisation as a means for efficiency
Original languageGerman
Specialist publicationoöinitiativ
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Effizienz
  • Verwaltungsreform
  • Dänemark
  • e-Government
  • digitale Kommunikationskanäle
  • Kundenorientierung


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