Entsorgung und Kreislauffähigkeit von Gebäuden in klimaaktiv

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ABSTRACT: Every year the construction and demolition waste in Austria contains 11.4 T. of 66.4 T. waste in total. Theoretically there is a high potential of utilisation, which mostly stays unused. The goal should be to optimize the potential of dismantling, utilisation, removal and recycling of components, constructions, and buildings. The approaches of the building rating systems klimaaktiv and TQB in Austria as well as DGNB in Germany were evaluated. Klimaaktiv and TQB both rate the so-called disposal indicator as one of their criteria. In addition, klimaaktiv has a criterion which translates to “dismantling conception”. DGNB covers the topics disposal and circulation capability in its criterion, that translates to “TEC 1.6 dismantling and recycling friendliness”. Their approach appears to be quite detailed. On the other hand, a declaration with DGNB is a bit more expensive, but also more suitable for an international application. The advantage of klimaaktiv is its accessibility for everyone, who is interested in declaring their building. To reach the mentioned goal, the declaration of many buildings is necessary, so it’s beneficial that the different declaration programs have different target groups.
Original languageGerman (Austria)
Publication statusPublished - 2021
Eventenova 2021/2022: Grean Deal - FH Burgenland Pinkafeld, Pinkafeld, Austria
Duration: 1 Jun 20222 Jun 2022


Conferenceenova 2021/2022
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