Energy Optimal Control of an Industrial Robot by using the Adjoint Method

Thomas Lauß, Peter Leitner, Stefan Oberpeilsteiner, Wolfgang Steiner

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contribution


The main goal of this contribution is to determine the excitation of an industrial robot, such that the energy consumption becomes a minimum during the manipulation of the tool center point (TCP) from a start position to a given end point within a predefined time. Such tasks can be restated as optimization problems where the functional to be minimized consists of the endpoint error and a measure for the energy. The gradient of this functional can be calculated by solving a linear differential equation, called the adjoint system. On the one hand the minimum of the cost functional can be achieved by the method of steepest descent where a proper step size has to be found or on the other hand by a Quasi-Newton algorithm where the Hessian can be appreciated. The theory is applied to a six-axis robot and the identification leads to a reduction of 47% of the signal energy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication1st OAGM-ARW Joint Workshop Vision Meets Robotics
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventOAGM & ARW Joint Workshop on Computer Vision and Robotics - Wels, Austria
Duration: 11 May 201613 May 2016


ConferenceOAGM & ARW Joint Workshop on Computer Vision and Robotics
Internet address


  • optimal control
  • multibody dynamics
  • adjoint system
  • optimization
  • calculus of variation


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