Energiemonitoring von ausgewählten Gebäuden

Translated title of the contribution: Energy monitoring of selected buildings

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contribution


The thesis “practical monitoring of energy performance in selected buildings” introduces the methods of energy performance monitoring and analyses the optimization of a building’s operation. For this reason five sustainable built office buildings from Austria and Germany were analyzed. These buildings are:  Balanced Office Building, Aachen  Eine Welt Handels AG, Niklasdorf  Haus der Regionen, Hannover  Lehm-Bürogebäude, Tattendorf  Paul Wunderlich Haus, Barnim The results of the energy performance monitoring are divided in the topics heating, ventilation, cooling, lighting and current. In these topics the consumption of end-use energy will be assessed to become primary energy. This should assure that the whole efficiency of the single buildings could be compared with each other. In this thesis not only energy budgets of the selected buildings were made but also the comfort of the rooms and the satisfaction of the users were considered. In the course of this masters project a prediction could be confirmed. If the building envelope and the domestic engineering have high quality, the energy consumption in the categories heating, ventilation and cooling will be lower than in lighting and current. Furthermore it was shown that the need of cooling energy in office buildings could be decreased dramatically by keeping the satisfaction of the users nearly stable. Another result showed that the optimization of a building’s operation is not possible without energy monitoring but also without collecting data from domestic engineering and the climate in rooms and outside the building. From this follows the application of a building automation system to be able to handle the big amount of needed data in office buildings. For this reason it is very important for the building of office buildings in the future that the components of a building automation system and domestic engineering become cheaper, more exact but also easier to use and to maintain.
Translated title of the contributionEnergy monitoring of selected buildings
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationTagungsband des 7. Forschungsforums der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen
PublisherWissenschaftlicher Verlag Berlin Olaf Gaudig & Peter Veit GbR
ISBN (Print)978-3-86573-709-0
Publication statusPublished - 2013
Event7. Forschungsforums der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen - Dornbirn, Austria
Duration: 3 Apr 20134 Apr 2013


Conference7. Forschungsforums der Österreichischen Fachhochschulen


  • Energie
  • Monitoring
  • Nachhaltige Gebäude


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