Electrical conductivity and corresponding specific energy consumption of new MgO-containing ESR-slags

P. Presoly, J. Korp, R. Schneider

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    8 Citations (Scopus)


    Continuously increasing product requirements place constant demands on steel manufacturers with regard to innovation. Among them is the development of new Electro Slag Re-melting (ESR) slag concepts, where MgO is one of the basic components. The specific electrical conductivity of CaF 2-based MgO-containing ESR slags is determined by a specially constructed measurement cell equipped with four electrodes. The analysed slags are composed either of CaF 2-MgO with a maximum content of 15%MgO or of CaF 2- 15%CaO with stepwise substitution of CaO by MgO. The results show that the conductivity decreases with rising MgO content. In order to provide a better evaluation of the effects of adding MgO, the results are compared to the specific conductivity of pure CaF 2 and a CaF 2-CaO-Al 2O 3 standard slag. The applicability of the laboratory results in industry was verified by re-melting experiments in an electro slag re-melting furnace.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)567-574
    Number of pages8
    JournalArchives of Metallurgy and Materials
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • CaF -CaO
    • CaF -based slags
    • CaF -CaO-Al O
    • CaF -CaO-MgO
    • CaF -MgO
    • Conductivity measuring device
    • Electro slag re-melting
    • Pressurized ESR
    • Specific electrical conductivity


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