Data-Driven Digital Services in the Automotive Industry: Implementation in Practice, Success Factors, and Future Potential

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


The automotive industry is one of the areas greatly affected by digital transformation. While the importance of owning a vehicle in the
traditional way has reduced over time, the need for innovative service models has increased significantly. In this context, Data-driven
digital services (DDS) offer huge potential. However, the implementation of such service models in practice has yet to emerge, as most
automotive companies either have not implemented such at all
or apply unstructured and incoherent implementation approaches.
The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the status-quo of
DDS and their perception in the automotive industry. Results indicate a low level of implementation, mostly limited to media-related
services like music and app connectivity. Additionally, findings
show that the widespread use of DSS in the automotive industry is
mainly hindered by unclear value propositions, a missing digital
mindset in companies, high implementation costs, and concerns
regarding data protection. However, practitioners coincide in the
view that DDS offer huge future potential, e.g., in terms of aftersales, product enrichment, e-mobility, customer involvement, and
e-commerce service models.
Original languageEnglish (American)
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2022
EventICEME 2022: 13th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics - Beijing University of Technology, Beijing, China
Duration: 16 Jul 202218 Jul 2022


ConferenceICEME 2022: 13th International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics
Abbreviated titleICEME 2022
Internet address


  • automotive
  • data-driven
  • digital
  • digitalization
  • services
  • smart services

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