DAMN - a Debugging Tool for Source Code Reverse Engineering and Dynamic Manipulation Live on Android Devices

Gerald Schoiber

Research output: Types of ThesesMaster's Thesis / Diploma Thesis


Attackers use reverse engineering techniques to gain information which can be used to manipulate applications for their purpose. The knowledge about the reversed information are not restricted anymore to such attackers because DAMN provides an easy to use tool for reversing Android applications. This can be used to build applications more secure and makes it harder for attackers to touch them. DAMN can handle obfuscated source code as well. As it combines reversed source code and dynamic manipulation techniques it can provide a new way to investigate obfuscated source manually. It is possible to hook into a running application and stop it at any given time. Furthermore it can manipulate values which are passed through method calls and give the opportunity to test against various constellations.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Mobile Computing
  • Android
  • Debugging
  • Reverse Engineering
  • Decompiling


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