Betrachtung der sommerlichen Überwärmung eines Bürogebäudes mittels dynamischer Gebäudesimulation unter Berücksichtigung zukünftiger Klimaszenarien

Translated title of the contribution: Overheating in summer of an office building

Herbert Claus Leindecker, Daniel Rudolf Kugfarth

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The global climate change causes extreme weather conditions, constantly rising outside tem-peratures, longer heat waves and an increasing number of tropical nights. Due to high inter-nal heat loads and the partly high proportion of glazing, office buildings are way more affect-ed by summertime overheating than residential buildings. According to leading climate re-search institutes, Austria is even more affected by the current climate change than the global average. That raises the question: How will office buildings perform regarding summertime overheating in 2050? As part of a master thesis, a contemporary office building, completed in 2018, was examined for summertime overheating by using dynamic building simulations. In these simulations future climate scenarios formulated by the World Climate Research Pro-gramme (WCRP) and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) were taken into account. The master thesis is divided into two parts. Firstly, the building was modelled, simu-lated and calibrated under consideration of all thermally relevant parameters (Software: IDA ICE 4.8). The results indicated, that the simulated operative temperatures correspond to the measured values of the building control system. Secondly, based on extensive research vari-ous climate data sets representing the year 2050 were created and imported into the simula-tion. In addition to the overall consideration of higher outdoor temperatures, the influence of extended heat waves as well as an increasing number of tropical nights were especially inves-tigated. To evaluate the effectiveness of passive measures against summertime overheating, an extensive parameter study was carried out. The results of the master thesis provided in-teresting findings for the long-term prevention of summertime overheating of office build-ings. Furthermore, it demonstrated the high importance of external shading, the use of night ventilation and a sensible behavior of building users.
Translated title of the contributionOverheating in summer of an office building
Original languageGerman
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Evente-nova 2020 internationaler Kongress Energie-Gebäude-Umwelt - FH Burgenland Pinkafeld, Pinkafeld, Austria
Duration: 26 Nov 202027 Nov 2020


Conferencee-nova 2020 internationaler Kongress Energie-Gebäude-Umwelt
Abbreviated titlee-nova 2020
Internet address


  • Sommerliche Überhitzung
  • Bürogebäude
  • Klimaszenarien


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