Aragon: an industrial strength eclipse tool for mmi design for mobile systems

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Comneon, as the software branch of Infineon Technologies, provides APOXI for development of mobile system software solutions. APOXI is a fullfledged C++-implemented application framework which provides rich functionality and a defined extension, adaptation, and customization scheme to realize mobile software solutions. Based on APOXI, mobile phone manufacturers realize their software solutions for mobile handsets in a multi-stage adaptation and customization process. Due to complexity and diversity of today's mobile software solutions, an increased demand for an easier customization process has been observed which led to the development of the Aragon tool. Aragon is an Eclipsebased interactive and graphical GUI builder tool for customization of man machine interfaces. This paper describes requirements, design, and architecture of the Aragon tool. Starting with an overview of the mobile system domain and development process and, from that, deriving requirements for a builder tool, the paper outlines the main design decisions taken and the resulting architecture of the Aragon tool, which distinguishes it significantly from comparable systems.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2007
EventIASTED International Conference on Software Engineering - Innsbruck, Austria
Duration: 13 Feb 200715 Feb 2007


ConferenceIASTED International Conference on Software Engineering
Abbreviated titleSE 2007


  • Application frameworks
  • GUI builder
  • MMI development
  • Mobile handsets
  • Mobile system development


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