A new concept for a multiple feedstock biorefinery

Alexander Jäger, Heike Kahr

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingsConference contribution


Talking about lignocellulosic based biorefineries, commonly bioethanol is the product of interest. Research groups follow different strategies to increase plant efficiency and to reduce production costs to develop an economically competitive fuel production technology. Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation, improved enzymes and adapted or GVO modified yeasts for C-6 and C-5 sugar usage are some of the current research topics. The creation of markets for by-products like lignin can help to improve overall cost effectiveness too. Our research group is examinating all these topics but presents in addition to this 2 new ideas to achieve a real integrated multiple feedstock biorefinery. The first new approach is the usage of “new” yeasts for the production of lipophilic compounds which can easily be converted into biodiesel. The integration of a biogas plant into the concept of a lignocellulosic biorefinery to minimize energy costs was already established in theoretical examinations. In all concepts of a combined bioethanol and biogas refinery, the biogas plant is only integrated as residual utilization plant. In our second new approach the biogas plant is upgraded to the same level as the bioethanol production unit to maximize synergistic effects and to optimize the entire energy output. The best utilization concept of different raw materials like wheat straw, miscanthus, maize straw or corncobs for each specific product (bioethanol, biodiesel or biogas) are examined as well as the co-utilization of all liquid and solid waste streams.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationIEA Bioenergy Conference 212
Publication statusPublished - 2012
EventIEA Bioenetrgy Conference 2012 - Vienna, Austria
Duration: 13 Nov 201215 Dec 2012


ConferenceIEA Bioenetrgy Conference 2012
Internet address


  • Bioerfinery
  • bioetheanl. next generation biodiesel
  • Biogas
  • biomethan


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