X-PRO (FTI Wels) - Research and development of user-centric methods for cross-virtuality analytics of production data (X-PRO)

Project Details


The research project "Research and development of user-centered methods for cross-virtuality analytics of production data", in short X-PRO, aims to achieve a completely new quality of human-computer interaction in the interactive visual analysis of large amounts of data from the production environment. These methods include both new types of visualization and interaction techniques as well as new methods for algorithmic data preparation, analysis and modeling. By combining and integrating them, a new type of interactive visual analysis of data is created, which we call "Cross-Virtuality Analytics". The research project involves research groups of the FHOOE locations Hagenberg, Steyr and Wels.
Short titleX-PRO (FTI Wels)
Effective start/end date01.01.202031.12.2024

Funding agency

  • FTI-Strukturförderung


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