Usability Testen von Mobilen Bedienterminals - Usability Testing of Mobile Operator Terminals

Project Details


KEBA AG develops and manufactures control systems and mobile terminals for machines and robots, where some of them are already equipped with touch displays (e.g. KeTop T55). To be able to allow for a quick and cost-efficient evaluation of the usability of such mobile terminals, it would be helpful for the KEBA AG to have a tool available, which is able to test existing systems, as well as systems that are currently in a prototype stage, in terms of their usability. The goal of this project is therefore the development of a software solution for determining the usability of mobile terminals. Through an automated recording and analysis of user interactions, it should be possible to identify opportunities for improvement of the mobile user interface, without having to conduct expensive and time-consuming user studies.
Short titleUsability Testen von Mobilen Bedienterminals
Effective start/end date01.08.201331.07.2014


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