The project SEE_INNOVA aims at developing an innovative, multi-disciplinary governance approach at transnational level for the regional coordination of innovation driven key players in the field of independent living of the Elderly in South Eastern Europe (funded by the European Commission, SOUTH EAST EUROPE Transnational Cooperation Programme, Interreg IVB).
Thus, the project focuses on the technical opportunities to help older people to live independently as long as possible at home but also – and predominately – it aims at innovative approaches on how to coordinate regional research programmes and policies in an efficient way.
The consortium consists of actors from ten participating countries (Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Hungary, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Serbia) who are experts on the projects′ topic at regional level. With regard to the region ""Upper Austria"", the foreseen activities will be conducted by Clusterland Upper Austria (Health Technology Cluster) in close collaboration with the project team at the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.
The SEE_INNOVA consortium is composed by public authorities, business support actors, research and technology actors and including also representatives of elderly people as final users of ICT related ambient intelligence technologies. Therefore the partnership is multi-sectorial and follows the new approach of ""quadruple helix"", which starts from the triple helix concept (public authorities, business and research) extending the partnership by involving the needs of elderly people as end-users of new technologies.