In Austria, traffic information on the radio, via roadside displays, apps, etc., with information on current traffic events and, for some years now, with the multimodal route planner of VAO (Verkehrsauskunft Österreich), provides a broad information base. The MUST project lays the foundation for future intermodal and holistic traffic management with coordinated information that includes the broad expertise of the operators of transport routes and means of transport and the current situations on their networks and in their means of transport. In recent years, modes of transport have been combined with each other, particularly for route planning. Services such as ÖBB Scotty, AnachB, Smartride, Wegfinder or Wien Mobil already offer relevant information on motorized private transport, public transport, cycling and walking as well as combinations such as park & ride routes or routing with sharing options (rental bikes, scooters, etc.). In MUST, which is a follow-up project to DOMINO (, new information channels are being developed (e.g. monitors for carpooling information, Outlook add-in for planning shared journeys to work) and existing channels improved (usability, app functions, reward system, communication content, etc.) and expanded (e.g. networking existing Austrian carpooling platforms with VAO). Media partnerships in the course of the project should help to create reach and receive feedback from users very quickly. The main objectives of the project are to directly and indirectly influence mobility behavior in terms of climate and environmentally friendly traffic management through traffic avoidance, modal shift and traffic improvement. For example, it will be tested which combinations of information can be used to convey transport information across target groups in order to achieve positive effects.