Interkulturelle Freundschaften von Jugendlichen in multikulturellen Schulklassen

    Project Details


    According to official statistics, in 2009 approximately 1,468 million people with immigrant background were living in Austria at the time, accounting for 17.8% of the whole population (Statistic_Austria, 2010). Apart from the three biggest immigrant groups stemming from former Yugoslavia (31%), Germany (14%), and Turkey (13%) there are immigrants from Eastern European Countries (~ 14%), like Poland, Romania, Czech Republic, and Hungary.

    Only very few studies investigated intercultural friendships in Europe, because most of the available high quality studies were conduced in the U.S. The most severe limitation of the European studies to data is their limited data base, because it is very time consuming and difficult to collect dyadic and network data of many class rooms. Internet-based questionnaires offer a new opportunity to collect this kind of complex data. The present project is able to use a huge data set which was collected via internet based questionnaires two years ago for a different purpose comprising more than 3000 students in 155 class rooms. The data quality allows analysing (1) whole networks and (2) reciprocal dyads in multicultural classes concurrently and longitudinally. Because a variety of individual and contextual variables were also gathered, the analysis of this data will break innovative grounds to better understand the formation and maintenance of intercultural friendships in multicultural class rooms in Austria.
    Short titleInterkulturelle Freundschaften von Jugendlichen in multikulturellen Schulklassen
    Effective start/end date01.01.201231.12.2013

    Funding agency

    • OeNB Anniversary Fund


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