Objective: The ImageHeadstart consortium will (1) integrate regional companies into the research structure of the region, (2) bring together research institutions and regional companies and (3) support further research development in the field of optomechanics, imaging, software development and industry 4.0.
To this end, the consortium will: 1) organize regular information workshops, 2) establish a system for registration for bilateral and multilateral consultations, and 3) publish a newsletter on the technical progress of the consortium.
Content: The ImageHeadstart project, in a consortium led by the University of South Bohemia, is dedicated to the challenges of digital imaging in the fields of microscopy and tomography, using the latest approaches using machine learning and artificial intelligence. Research on digital imaging methods such as light microscopy and X-ray tomography at the partner institutions has reached a stage from which many practical applications can be developed. The main goal of the project is to help companies in the cross-border region Austria-Czech Republic to translate this knowledge into new applications and technologies.