Enhancing the transition of non-traditional students

Project Details


"Especially upon entering the as of yet foreign and new environment of higher education, difficulties in adapting to this new environment can appear. This pertains to feeling out of place, isolated, not integrated, overwhelmed and unable to maintain or build connections with other students and the teaching staff. Adapting to an academic “habitus”, a certain way of expressing oneself or behaving that is not in accordance with what one is used to, or simply managing academic life.

The project’s objective is to increase this sense of belonging of under-represented groups while at the same time avoiding the triggering of “Othering”-effects or stereotype threat."
Short titleENTRANTS
Effective start/end date01.10.202030.09.2023


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  • ENTRANTS Kickoff Meeting

    Welp-Park, E. (Organiser)

    16 Oct 2020

    Activity: Participating in or organising an eventOrganising a conference, workshop, ...