CoPI - Collaborative Personalized Interaction

Project Details


 Today′s work environments are often characterized by high flexibility in terms of working time models (e.g., flexitime models, time shifts through international collaboration) and workspaces (e.g., home office, various business locations). Special tools and algorithms help us work together on collaborative tasks in the physical and virtual worlds. Among other things, the Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) research area is working on further developing and improving these tools. Collaborations in the same place (e.g., team meetings in a meeting room) as well as spatially separated collaborations are considered (e.g., distributed teams are working on a task). Typically, however, the teams as a whole are at the center of consideration.
However, there are also approaches to personalize this support. While this has not been the focus of CSCW research so far, Adaptive Systems (AS) has produced significant results, such as a variety of approaches to personalization.

This project not only supports the individual participants in collaborations, but aims to take into account and actively promote the group-wide working styles in tool support (e.g., some teams require very close cooperation for certain tasks, others due to the group′s structure rather loose cooperation). A further goal is the analysis of collaboration processes, in order to subsequently address the individual collaboration participants with automated and adaptive support (for example in the form of personalized CSCW tools or in the form of recommendations of suitable collaboration partners).
Short titleCoPI
Effective start/end date01.11.201830.09.2019


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