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LOG-MOD-E-CO - LOG-Impact assessment of modal shift policy measures targeting eco-friendly transport modes
Beil, D. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2027
Project: Research Project
LOG-KAUSAL - LOG-KAUnertal specialisation in inter-municipal, networked and alternative mobility
Novak, T. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Müller, J. (CoI) & Reindl, A. (CoI)
Mobilität 2023: Regionale Mobilitätslabore & Digitalisierung für M&L-Dienste
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2025
Project: Research Project
Marktüberwachung mit KI gestützter Analyse - Market surveillance with AI-supported analysis of product evaluations
Stöckl, A. (PI)
01.09.2024 → 31.05.2025
Project: Research Project
PM International AG Stiftungsprofessur - PM International AG endowed professorship
Weghuber, J. (PI), Blank-Landeshammer, B. (CoI) & Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI)
01.07.2024 → 30.06.2029
Project: Research Project
BioH2Region - BA0100157 - BioH2Region - "Kompetenzregion für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff und Grüne Gase"
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Zettl, B. (CoPI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI) & Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.07.2024 → 30.06.2027
Project: Research Project
Indek-Met - Entwicklung einer mathematischen Methode zur kostengünstigen Analyse von Dekarbonisierungs-potentialen in der Industrie
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Mühleder, H. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.06.2024 → 31.05.2026
Project: Research Project
Datenextraktion von Aktieneinstufungen - Data extraction of stock ratings with LLMs
Stöckl, A. (PI)
23.05.2024 → 31.10.2024
Project: Research Project
LOG-RETrans - RETrans – Logistics4Future
Putz-Egger, L.-M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Pum, C. (CoI), Haller, A. (CoPI) & Wiesinger, S. (CoI)
Logistikförderung des BMK 2024-2028
01.05.2024 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
People Connect - People Connect / Change Implementation
Anzengruber, J. (PI)
01.03.2024 → 31.12.2024
Project: Research Project
OpenGrid4PV - Smarte Lösungsansätze zur Steigerung der PV-Einspeisekapazität in Verteilnetzen
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI) & Kefer, P. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.03.2024 → 31.08.2026
Project: Research Project
BF-WASP - Effective Agile Systems for Social Profit Organizations
Ehrenmüller, I. (PI), Prinz, T. (CoI), Kränzl-Nagl, R. S. (CoI) & Schwarz, S. (CoI)
15.01.2024 → 30.09.2025
Project: Research Project
WalkVR - Investigation of Walking Behavior in VR and Enhancing Balance Control and Realistic Walking Experience
Wang, Y. (CoI) & Stöckl, A. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
11.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-BF-AI.UCT - LOG-Use Cases and Capabilities Taxonomy for AI applications in Supply Chain Management
Fischer, T. M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Brandtner, P. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BF-SATIRE - Social Interactions in Virtual Worlds
Petz, G. (PI) & Stieninger, M. C. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
LOG - CIIA 2023 - Methodology for demonstrating the effectiveness of C2X services
Petschnik, E. (CoI), Novak, T. (PI), Schildorfer, W. (CoPI), Neubauer, M. (CoI) & Walch, M. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2024
Project: Research Project
BF-EYECO - Eye-Tracking Enhanced CObotics
Niedermayr, D. (PI) & Wolfartsberger, J. (CoPI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2024
Project: Research Project
LOG-GROW - LOG- Monitoring and ensuring the availability of fresh produce
Bartuska, L. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Aschauer, F. P. (CoI), Guma, A. (CoI), Traxler, R. (CoI), Arnaut, V. (CoI), Diaz Rincon, D. E. (CoI) & Heiß, L. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG- CiL - LOG- Study on the feasibility of sustainable city logistics for Linz
Winter, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Massimiani, A. (CoI) & Riegler, W. (CoI)
Logistikförderung des BMK 2019–2023
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2024
Project: Research Project
ICE4H&C - ICE-Heating and Cooling for SFH and MFH
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI), Wagner, C. (CoI), Resch, A. (CoI) & Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BF CoE-E/SP - Basic funding for the CoE-E and CoE-SP
Brunner, M. (PI) & Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
BF- Basisfinanzierung DfD - Circular economy of mechatronic systems - Design for Disassembly (DfD)
Merschak, S. (PI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BF-SigSim - BF-Signaling pathway simulation using white-box modeling for the prediction of gene expression in cells (SigSim)
Vetter, J. (PI), Jacak, J. (CoPI), Schaller, S. (CoPI) & Klein, S. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
Bürger*innenbefragung Hörsching - Citzien Survey in Hörsching
Cecon, F. (PI) & Teubel, T. (CoI)
15.12.2023 → 31.10.2024
Project: Research Project
BF-ChatGPT im Hochschulsetting - BF-ChatGPT in a university setting: potentials and pitfalls of AI use by students
Wetzelhütter, D. (PI), Krebs, A. (CoI) & Zemsauer, A. C. (CoI)
15.12.2023 → 30.11.2025
Project: Research Project
AiO-Monitoring - Scientific monitoring of a labor market integration measure for NEET youths with multiple problems
Wetzelhütter, D. (PI) & Prischl, C. (CoI)
13.12.2023 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
Brachenerhebung 2024 - Survey on Industrial Brownfields in Upper Austria 2024
Cecon, F. (PI) & Glechner, G. (CoI)
12.12.2023 → 30.11.2024
Project: Research Project
IOMMS - Innovative Optimization Methods for Multibody Systems
Steiner, W. (PI), Nachbagauer, K. (CoPI) & Eichmeir, P. (CoI)
01.12.2023 → 30.11.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-LogIN - LOG-Initiative to promote training and knowledge transfer in intermodal transport
Haller, A. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Wiesinger, S. (CoPI)
01.11.2023 → 31.10.2025
Project: Research Project
pDrive - Investigate the functioning of a 2-car platoon and its energy and emission saving potential
Ostermayer, G. (PI), Eder, S. (CoI), Sinabell, F. (CoI) & Scheuchenpflug, M. (CoI)
Future Mobility Call - Land OÖ
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-MUST - LOG-Multimodal traffic control by combining innovative information channels
Juppe, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Schildorfer, W. (CoI)
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
AdiosRivet - Advanced design of welded joints for TP-CFRPC reinforced vehicle structures
Hinterhölzl, R. M. (PI) & Hamedinger, S. (CoI)
Future Mobility Call - Land OÖ
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
RESTORE - Effects from different energy storage technologies on sector-coupled energy systems
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Wagner, C. (CoPI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2023 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
PIN - Refresh your PIN
Mathmann, K. (PI) & Zieher, B. (CoPI)
01.10.2023 → 31.03.2025
Project: Research Project
PEMOWE - Test network for the energy and mobility transition
Senck, S. (PI), Weinberger, P. (CoI), Huemer, D. K. (CoI) & Wagner, A. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.09.2023 → 31.08.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-ANGIE - LOG-Academic Network for Green and Innovative Europe
Petschnik, E. (CoI), Putz-Egger, L.-M. (PI), Hörandner, L. (CoPI) & Duldner-Borca, B. (CoI)
01.09.2023 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
HyBRID – Teil1 (Soft) - H2-Researchcenter
Plank, B. (CoI), Zettl, B. (CoI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Weidinger, F. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Winkler, H. (CoI), Maurer, J. (CoI), Augl, S. (CoI), Plank, B. (PI), Kirchsteiger, H. (CoI), Markovic, P. (CoI), Mehmedovski, E. (CoI) & Pöttinger, D. (CoI)
01.08.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
rGFK goes Trailer - Smart lightweight design - trailer floor made of recycled GFRP
Hinterhölzl, R. M. (PI) & Paulitsch, M. (CoI)
Future Mobility Call - Land OÖ
01.06.2023 → 31.05.2026
Project: Research Project
MARIE - MARIE - Mobile Robotic Assistance for Office Environments
Froschauer, R. F. (CoI), Zwettler, G. A. (CoI), Schönböck, J. (CoI), Sturm, R. (CoI), Krauss, O. (CoI), Pimminger, S. (PI), Romagna, H. (CoI), Kurschl, W. C. (CoI), Spitzer, F. (CoI), Dalkilic, M. I. (CoI) & Brajdic, L. (CoI)
zukunftsweisende Forschungsfelder bei den OÖ außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen
01.05.2023 → 30.04.2025
Project: Research Project
RING - Realization of a knowledge platform for "direct current system technology and high voltage storage technology for sustainable and renewable electrical energy supply".
Diendorfer, C. (CoI), Plank, B. (PI) & Plank, B. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.04.2023 → 31.03.2026
Project: Research Project
ReBi - Resource-efficient component innovations with additive manufacturing processes in the Bavarian and Austrian border region
Huskic, A. (PI), Wild, N. W. (CoI), Orsolic, M. (CoI) & Halilovic, S. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.04.2023 → 31.03.2026
Project: Research Project
Austrian DC pilot factory
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Kefer, P. (CoI)
01.03.2023 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
Regio-Plants - Health-promoting effects of regional plants in the region Bavaria-Tyrol-Upper Austria
Röhrl, C. (PI), Feichtinger, M. (CoI) & Stadlbauer, V. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.03.2023 → 28.02.2027
Project: Research Project
BLEMA - Coated lightweight gears for electric micromobility drives
Steiner, W. (PI), Witteveen, W. (CoI), Sherif, K. (CoI) & Grünberger, J. (CoI)
Future Mobility Call - Land OÖ
01.03.2023 → 31.10.2024
Project: Research Project
LOG-JRC PREVAIL - PREdictive VAlue network InteLligence
Brandtner, P. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Traxler, R. (CoI), Nasseri, M. (CoI), Mirshahi, S. (CoI), Falatouri, T. (CoI), Darbanian, F. (CoI) & Fischer, T. M. (CoI)
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project
LOG-CySeReS-KMU - Cyber Security and Resilience in Supply Chains with focus on SMEs
Herburger, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Holzer, L. E. (CoI), Szilagyi, D. (CoI), Wagner, C. (CoI) & Langner, K. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
CRISAM® Loop - CRISAM® Loop: Closing the Loop in AI-based Risk Management
Sandler, S. (CoI), Zühlke, S. D. (CoI), Stöckl, A. (CoPI), Stöckl, A. (PI) & Nitu, J. E. (CoI)
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2024
Project: Research Project
CIvolunteer - CIvolunteer - Critical Infrastructures Powered by Volunteers
Schönböck, J. (PI) & Gassner, C. J. (CoI)
KIRAS Cooperative R&D Projects
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
Circular Academy - Circular Academy - online knowledge platform to support the green transformation
Überwimmer, M. (PI), Ehrlinger, D. (CoI), Hammer, H. J. (CoPI), Muravjova, V. (CoI), Leahu, B. (CoI) & Friesenecker, A. E. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
JRC DDBMI - Josef Ressel Centre for Data-Driven Business Model Innovation
Jodlbauer, H. (PI), Tripathi, S. (CoI), Bachmann, N. (CoI), Brunner, M. (CoI), Tüzün, A. (CoI), Pöchtrager, S. (CoI), Thienemann, A.-K. (CoI) & Warnau, J. (CoI)
01.01.2023 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project