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JRZ - IBF - Josef Ressel Centre for Innovation in Bioavailability Research
Blank-Landeshammer, B. (PI), Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI), Feichtinger, M. (CoI), Stadlbauer, V. (CoI), Heckmann, M. (CoI), Sadova, N. (CoI), Wallner, M. (CoI), Ihninger, S. B. (CoI) & Zauner, F. (CoI)
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2029
Project: Research Project
Blank-Landeshammer, B. (PI) & Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI)
Interreg Österreich - Tschechien 2021-2027
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project
HySOLVE - Hydrogen Solutions for Optimal Low-carbon Viability and Emissions Control
Plank, B. (PI) & Bieringer, T. (CoI)
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2028
Project: Research Project
PhytoFRASS - Impact of Insect Frass on Plant Growth and the Phytochemical Profile of Selected Healthy Cultivars
Weghuber, J. (PI), Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI) & Nicoletti, C. (CoI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project
MicoWeld - Micromechanical analysis of welded thermoplastic composites
Hinterhölzl, R. M. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2027
Project: Research Project
FFoQSI 3.0
Weghuber, J. (PI), Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI), Pühringer, M. (CoI), Dickinger, A. S. (CoI), Kirchsteiger, J. (CoI), Karimian, T. (CoI), Auer, M. (CoI) & Čanković-Šečić, E. (CoI)
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2028
Project: Research Project
Digitales Pflegeheim. - Digital Nursing Home. Process and Impact Evaluation
Kränzl-Nagl, R. S. (PI), Prinz, T. (CoPI), Kern, T. (CoI) & Schwarz, S. (CoI)
01.01.2025 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
FaCIt - Impact of Specialist care in nursing homes
Ehrenmüller, I. (PI) & Hanner, B. (CoI)
10.12.2024 → 30.06.2026
Project: Research Project
SmartBeetle - Smell-based Molecular Artificial intelligence to Fight Bark Beetles
Schaller, S. (PI) & Munk, K. M. (CoI)
Interreg Österreich - Tschechien 2021-2027
01.12.2024 → 30.11.2028
Project: Research Project
CELINE - Cross-sectorial integrated digital services Enabling energy Localized InnovatioN and community Empowerment
Schaffer, C. (PI)
HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
01.12.2024 → 30.11.2027
Project: Research Project
Identification of revenue-influencing touchpoints at Hartlauer
Zimmermann, R. (PI) & Staab, M. (PI)
14.11.2024 → 31.07.2025
Project: Research Project
KBMKSZ - Improved contact force computation for multi-body simulations of gear transmissions
Steiner, W. (PI) & Grünberger, J. (CoI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.11.2024 → 31.10.2026
Project: Research Project
Risk zone identification and visualization in freight transport
Müller, J. (PI), Neubauer, M. (PI) & Schildorfer, W. (PI)
01.11.2024 → 30.06.2025
Project: Research Project
DIGIT/NAWA: DIGIT: human anD algorithms In orGanizations: competence for work in daTa-driven context
Kwiatek, P. (PI)
16.10.2024 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
Tool Usability & Needs Evaluation
Zimmermann, R. (PI) & Staab, M. (PI)
07.10.2024 → 31.05.2025
Project: Research Project
Schildorfer, W. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Novak, T. (CoI)
HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2027
Project: Research Project
LOG-MOD-E-CO - LOG-Impact assessment of modal shift policy measures targeting eco-friendly transport modes
Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Putz-Egger, L.-M. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2027
Project: Research Project
LOG-UNITE - LOG-Holistic evaluation model for fleet conversions to alternative drive concepts in internal transport
Neubauer, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Hofbauer, F. (CoPI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2027
Project: Research Project
Taking an Active Approach to AI Capability Maturity Engineering
Fischer, T. M. (PI), Brandtner, P. (PI) & Zimmermann, R. (PI)
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2029
Project: Research Project
LOG-UVAR_Austria - LOG-Upgrading the Austrian ITS landscape to implement the EU requirements for Urban Vehicle Access Regulations
Schildorfer, W. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Reindl, A. (CoI)
01.10.2024 → 31.03.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-Auto.Ready - LOG-Readiness framework for automated mobility in Austria
Novak, T. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Neubauer, M. (CoPI) & Schildorfer, W. (CoPI)
01.10.2024 → 31.03.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-KAUSAL - LOG-KAUnertal specialisation in inter-municipal, networked and alternative mobility
Novak, T. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Reindl, A. (CoI), Neubauer, M. (CoPI) & Müller, J. (CoI)
Mobilität 2023: Regionale Mobilitätslabore & Digitalisierung für M&L-Dienste
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2025
Project: Research Project
LOG-HyFAR - LOG-Hybrid fleets and automation for regional development
Neubauer, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Novak, T. (CoI) & Müller, J. (CoI)
Mobilität 2023: Regionale Mobilitätslabore & Digitalisierung für M&L-Dienste
01.10.2024 → 30.09.2026
Project: Research Project
Marktüberwachung mit KI gestützter Analyse - Market surveillance with AI-supported analysis of product evaluations
Stöckl, A. (PI)
01.09.2024 → 31.05.2025
Project: Research Project
Autonomous Micro Location - Proof of Concept
Zimmermann, R. (PI) & Staab, M. (PI)
01.09.2024 → 30.04.2025
Project: Research Project
Projekt Wildschwein - Adapting a digital nose for the detection of volatile organic compounds to locate wild boar carcasses in forests
Probst, C. (PI) & Ollinger, N. (CoI)
01.09.2024 → 31.08.2025
Project: Research Project
LOG-ACTIMOMO - LOG-Active Mobility Monitoring Improved data collection and integrative monitoring system for walking and cycling
Walch, M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Neubauer, M. (CoPI)
01.09.2024 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
BioH2Region - BA0100157 - BioH2Region - "Kompetenzregion für erneuerbaren Wasserstoff und Grüne Gase"
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Zettl, B. (CoPI), Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Topf, F. H. (CoI)
Interreg Bavaria – Austria 2021 to 2027
01.07.2024 → 30.06.2027
Project: Research Project
PM International AG Stiftungsprofessur - PM International AG endowed professorship
Weghuber, J. (PI), Blank-Landeshammer, B. (CoI) & Dornmayr-Pfaffenhuemer, M. (CoI)
01.07.2024 → 30.06.2029
Project: Research Project
Indek-Met - Entwicklung einer mathematischen Methode zur kostengünstigen Analyse von Dekarbonisierungs-potentialen in der Industrie
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI) & Mühleder, H. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.06.2024 → 31.05.2026
Project: Research Project
Applied AEye - Applied AEye - Evaluation "Digital Streetwork" Familienbund OÖ
Sweet, C. (PI), Schiermayr, F. (CoPI), Daller, J. (CoI) & Pinter, B. (CoI)
15.05.2024 → 14.05.2025
Project: Research Project
Sustainable insulation solutions for frozen food shipping
Pfoser, S. (PI), Brandner, M. (PI) & Lechner, T. (PI)
01.05.2024 → 30.07.2025
Project: Research Project
LOG-RETrans - RETrans – Logistics4Future
Putz-Egger, L.-M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Pum, C. (CoI), Haller, A. (CoPI) & Wiesinger, S. (CoI)
Logistikförderung des BMK 2024-2028
01.05.2024 → 28.02.2026
Project: Research Project
JRZ Embedded AI - Artificial Intelligence on Resource Limited Devices
Eibensteiner, F. (PI), Langer, J. (CoPI), Zeinzinger, M. (CoPI), Kargl, M. B. (CoI), Petz, P. M. C. F. (CoPI), Reinberger, D. (CoI), Köhler, M. (CoI), Altmann, C. (CoI) & Dalpiaz, C. (CoI)
01.04.2024 → 31.03.2029
Project: Research Project
OpenGrid4PV - Smarte Lösungsansätze zur Steigerung der PV-Einspeisekapazität in Verteilnetzen
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Gaisberger, L. (CoI) & Kefer, P. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.03.2024 → 31.08.2026
Project: Research Project
AI Catalyst for SMEs - AI Catalyst for SMEs: Promoting innovation through social design thinking labs and a shared knowledge platform
Überwimmer, M. (PI), Muravjova, V. (CoI), Herrera Rivadeneira, M. J. (CoI) & Vorderwinkler, M. (CoI)
Interreg Österreich - Tschechien 2021-2027
01.02.2024 → 31.01.2027
Project: Research Project
BF-WASP - Effective Agile Systems for Social Profit Organizations
Ehrenmüller, I. (PI), Prinz, T. (CoI), Kränzl-Nagl, R. S. (CoI), Schwarz, S. (CoI) & Hanner, B. (CoI)
15.01.2024 → 30.09.2025
Project: Research Project
WalkVR - Investigation of Walking Behavior in VR and Enhancing Balance Control and Realistic Walking Experience
Wang, Y. (CoI) & Stöckl, A. (PI)
Dissertationsprogramm der Fachhochschule OÖ
11.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
BF-SATIRE - Social Interactions in Virtual Worlds
Petz, G. (PI) & Stieninger, M. C. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
LOG-BF-AI.UCT - LOG-Use Cases and Capabilities Taxonomy for AI applications in Supply Chain Management
Fischer, T. M. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI) & Brandtner, P. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BF-SigSim - BF-Signaling pathway simulation using white-box modeling for the prediction of gene expression in cells (SigSim)
Vetter, J. (PI), Jacak, J. (CoPI), Schaller, S. (CoPI), Klein, S. (CoI) & Yasoubi, P. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
ICE4H&C - ICE-Heating and Cooling for SFH and MFH
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Dehner, H. (CoI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Issayan, G. (CoI), Wagner, C. (CoI), Resch, A. (CoI) & Daborer-Prado, N. (CoI)
Future Energy Technologies - Land OÖ
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BABA Emissionen - Battery-based energy storage for the mobile provision of EMISSION-free electrical energy
Steinmaurer, G. (PI), Schnellendorfer, M. (CoI), Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI), Kefer, P. (CoI), Veichtlbauer, A. (CoI), Merschak, S. (CoI), Janson, R. (CoI) & Jesenko, L. B. (CoI)
Land Oberösterreich Innovatives OÖ2020
01.01.2024 → 30.06.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG-GROW - LOG- Monitoring and ensuring the availability of fresh produce
Bartuska, L. (PI), Petschnik, E. (CoI), Aschauer, F. P. (CoI), Guma, A. (CoI), Traxler, R. (CoI), Arnaut, V. (CoI), Diaz Rincon, D. E. (CoI) & Heiß, L. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
LOG- EMOTION - LOG- Enhanced MObiliTy InnovatiON
Neubauer, M. (PI) & Petschnik, E. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2028
Project: Research Project
BF- Basisfinanzierung DfD - Circular economy of mechatronic systems - Design for Disassembly (DfD)
Merschak, S. (PI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2025
Project: Research Project
BF CoE-E/SP - Basic funding for the CoE-E and CoE-SP
Brunner, M. (PI) & Carreras Oliver, F. (CoI)
01.01.2024 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project
KI-gestützte Wissensdatenbank - AI-drivenknowledge database for the digitalisation of expert knowledge in industrial plastics production
Zwettler, G. A. (PI), Hanreich, M. (CoI), Schönböck, J. (CoI) & Altmann, J. (CoI)
COMET Competence Centers for Excellent Technologies
01.01.2024 → 30.09.2027
Project: Research Project
BF-ChatGPT im Hochschulsetting - BF-ChatGPT in a university setting: potentials and pitfalls of AI use by students
Wetzelhütter, D. (PI) & Zemsauer, A. C. (CoI)
15.12.2023 → 30.11.2025
Project: Research Project
AiO-Monitoring - Scientific monitoring of a labor market integration measure for NEET youths with multiple problems
Wetzelhütter, D. (PI) & Prischl, C. (CoI)
13.12.2023 → 31.12.2026
Project: Research Project